In the beloved classic The Princess & the Pea, Princess Astrid finds she has been lured from her home by Gustav the Troll as a prospective bride for the bookish Prince Eric. Although this feisty princess has no interest in either marriage or princes, she spiritedly takes a series of tests to prove that she is "a real princess."
Despite the plotting of the oily courtier, Osric, Astrid and Eric are drawn to each other out of respect for the other's stubborn individualism. However, before there may be a proper happy ending, Astrid must pass a final test. Told with gentle humor, this charming theatrical version of the familiar tale is now at the Company OnStage in Houston.
The Company OnStage serves the community by offering professional quality performances of contemporary and classic theater for children and adults in an intimate setting at affordable prices. We hope that you bring your family to see this amazing show on Sunday, July 1!
We know you love your home at The Enclave at Woodbridge Apartments in Sugar Land, Texas, but it’s important to stay active and involved in your community. Attending this event is the perfect chance for you to journey outside your comfort zone to meet new people and seek new opportunities.
Event Time/Date:
Sunday, July 1, 2018—2:00 PM
Event Venue Location:
The Company OnStage
4930 West Bellfort Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77035